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People you can trust behind the technology

2 min read

INS has delivered villages 4G ready alarm systems since 2015, plus 24/7 nurse call centre support since 1991.

4G is old news for INS. If you have our first generation SmartHome V1 system, it was designed for easy transition to 4G. Our SmartHome V2 has 4G LTE connectivity – so you are already covered.

In fact, if you are new to INS you can upgrade to our systems with no up-front costs. Easy.

If you prefer technology other than our SmartHome IPD, our sister organisation INS CareCall can supply it. INS LifeGuard can monitor and support other major medical monitoring brands in use across the country, such as those manufactured by SmartLink or Chiptech … it’s always your choice.

Whatever equipment you choose, the monitoring is provided by our INS LifeGuard premier emergency response centre, which is staffed by our nurse professionals 24/7.

Our team do a lot more than answer emergency calls. We stay with your residents and their families, say when they return from hospital, complete a medication regime or even if they are just feeling lonely late at night.

This is what we do at INS. It's personal.

Looking forward, you will want to deliver a village care ecosystem

We look forward every day for what is going to be the service that village residents will want, and then we create the technology and support to deliver it.

In-home village communication, video conferencing with family, telehealth with doctors, diagnostics and alerts. It’s now built into INS technology, plus more, for when you are ready.

When you partner with 30,000+ village homes across Australia and New Zealand, you get good at supporting residents, and management, to deliver beyond expectation.

4G now

If 4G is your first concern, and you have an old system that’s not match ready, call us. You can transition to ‘4G ready’ at no upfront cost, while also establishing the base systems to be ready for all future services you may wish to provide and market.

Contact us here for more information.

For a taste of the extra mile that we seek to deliver every day, also check out our simple video below. Because simple is good – and works.

Or simply call us on 1800 636 226 and be 4G ready.

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