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72,831 people searched villages.com.au for a village in May, up 10% in 12 months

1 min read

Across the 31 days of May 72,831 people investigated retirement villages on villages.com.au (2,349 each day).

They made 91,549 searches all up and spent an average of three minutes and six seconds checking out 3.33 pages each visit. In web terms this is ‘committed’ searching.

This traffic is 10% up on May 2015 when 66,472 people searched for a new home on villages.com.au.

These stats tell us that latent demand far exceeds supply. In 2016 approximately 20,000 new and pre loved village homes will change hands. This compares with a net 873,972 people searching over the year - a sales ratio of one in 43.

We provide every village in Australia with a free listing. The investment for a Promotional Listing to service enquiry effectively is $800 for 12 months. For more information click HERE.

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