You must watch this video if you are a retirement village operator or executive

My colleague Antonia and I had breakfast last Thursday with Will Burkitt, ex-ANZ and now Innovation Leader, Post Retirement at Mercer.

His opening words were: “This was my first SUMMIT and I was blown away by how few speakers talked about the customer and nobody appeared to listen to the words of the Minister (Matt Kean). After a life in financial services, I reckon you guys could be regulated to oblivion”.

We agreed about the ‘customer’, but I had hoped people had taken in what Matt Kean had to say, considering his language and even his body language – especially when he finished speaking. (He simply ended, turned and walked from the podium).

Not wanting to exaggerate things, I went back and watched the Minister’s video. To my surprise it had had just … two viewings! Is this how little importance his message has to the sector?

No, his message is VERY important.

Remember, he instigated the Greiner Inquiry into retirement villages and the results should have been released in January.

I have reported this before but I strongly recommend that you invest 10 minutes and hear for yourself. As Kean says firmly, “change will come” and “NSW will lead the country”.

Watch the video HERE.

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