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Plan to sell family home to pay RAD ends in bitter courtroom battle

1 min read

A 91-year-old man has been taken to court by his 83-year-old former wife after attempting to quietly sell the family home to pay his own refundable accommodation deposit (RAD).

The pensioners had separated in 1986, but never divorced or had a property settlement. The wife had returned to garden, clean and care for the husband since the split and he had promised her a share of the $620,000 house.

When he quietly removed her from his will and tried to sell the home to pay a $235,000 RAD in 2014, she found out and placed a caveat on the house. At the same time, the couple’s children moved their father into aged care and the NSW Public Trustee had to be appointed to manage his affairs.

Two years on and the judge found the house should be sold immediately and the profits split 50-50. Clearly another example of the struggle families can face when it comes to footing the aged care bill.

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