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The Big Four Months of the Royal Commission – subscribe now to understand the Commissioners – and the Counsels Assisting

1 min read

In summary, we are impressed. The Commissioners, and particularly the eight Counsels Assisting, have grasped the major challenges and system functions (or dysfunctions) of Australia’s aged care sector.

Each day the ‘inquiry’ becomes more pointed and ‘investigative’. Themes and views are evolving.

If you are not a subscriber to The Daily COMMISSION newsletter, now is the time to sign up because we have four months of hearings remaining, and those people being called are being selected by the Counsels Assisting to confirm the learnings from the past four months of witnesses.

Reports to the government start to flow in September.

Every day we attend and analyse the Royal Commission wherever it is in Australia and report it at 6am the next morning.

We also gather the commentary and responses of leading operators – canvassing ideas and constructive criticisms. It’s a live forum.

The subscription investment is $1,500 per organisation (unlimited number of recipients) for the duration of the Royal Commission.

Ask for one week’s FREE TRIAL HERE.

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