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Knowledge is power – expose yourself to markets and innovations across Australia and across America at the LEADERS SUMMIT

1 min read

How deep is your understanding of the market pressures and innovations occurring beyond your local market or region?

In the retirement village and aged care sectors no more than five organisations operate across all states of Australia and relatively few even cross state boundaries. The result is a sector where management typically is locally focused, both unaware and not appreciating market pressures and innovations occurring in other territories.

At the LEADERS SUMMIT you will be exposed to the latest threats and opportunities from every state plus a frank review by Stephen Maag (pictured) of the US market with its accelerating transition of villages into high dementia care and abandonment of residential care by large private operators.

I will deliver a comprehensive national ‘helicopter’ review of the village community and care sectors – the new entrants and the exits over the past 12 months and why, the new property developments and trends, consumer demand and supply plus unfolding government regulation and stimulation.

With March/April being the prime planning and budgeting months for FY17/18, these are a ‘must attend’ sessions to support your development of business plans, taking in both opportunities and threats.

28 leading speakers across two days plus unrivalled premium networking.

Learn more and register HERE. Hilton Sydney, in three weeks' time – 16-17 March.

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