The shift
1.2 billion impressions in one week with no media budget. Is it possible?

What is Meet Graham? It’s a brilliant but relatively complex strategy to bring attention to the Transport Accident Commissions (TAC’s) road safety message. View the video case study above.

TAC created Graham and then toured him through regional art galleries and schools throughout Victoria. He became an 'event' that people participated in – more selfies, more social media!

Whilst there may have been no media spend – Graham wasn’t cheap. My research indicates he would have cost over $1 Million. $200, 000 for the sculpture and $800,000 for the team that made the events happen.

TAC’s last TV commercial production alone cost – you guessed it $1 Million but with Graham TAC didn’t have to spend an additional $10 Million in a media buy. They spent nothing. A very good deal – and strategy!

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