Topic - aged care
Brisbane City Council turns down eight-storey retirement village at The Esplanade, Forest Lake

The new wave of consumer advocacy: As we covered here, James Property Group wanted to build 36 two-bedroom units at The Esplanade in Forest Lake, but the 100-member-plus Forest Lake Action Group (FLAG) had promised to campaign against the medium-rise development.

During the assessment, the Council received over 350 submissions from residents opposing the application whole over 1,000 people signed a petition against its construction.

The Council says they rejected the development on the basis it was too high for the medium-density zoning of the land.

Developer JRD Number 2 director Jim Dupuis says he is now considering an appeal to the Planning and Environment Court or dropping the size of the development, possibly to 32 units over six storeys.

“I have had interest from a commercial developer, so I could sell the site,” he told the Courier-Mail.

“What I’d like to know is where the protesters think people who want high quality retirement homes will live in this area.”

We’d like to know too.

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