Topic - developments
Bupa opens its first new Australian retirement village – 50% sold at launch

Dipping its toe into the Australian retirement village market, on the back of its long-established New Zealand village operations with 38 villages, Bupa has opened its first medium-rise village in Sutherland, in Sydney’s ‘Shire’.

Located next to an existing Bupa aged care home, it features 84 one-, two- and three-bedroom apartments, priced from $850,000 to $1.2 million, which is roughly local market parity.

The project has been led by Bupa Property Development Manager James Heeks (pictured left) with marketing and sales by Karen Mattingly and David Lo Russo of Marketability (pictured centre, right).

On opening, they had 50% pre-sales and in the seven weeks of 2021, they achieved fourteen new sales.

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