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Daniel Andrews and PM have different understandings of hospital transfers

The Victorian premier is adhering to the individual assessment of aged care residents on whether they need to be transferred to hospital. He was quoted in The Guardian yesterday stating residents will be moved “when it is deemed clinically appropriate for their safety, for their care”.

“That won’t mean every single patient gets taken into a public hospital. There’s capacity for us, it’s not a function whether there’s capacity or not, it’s a function of the individual decisions that treating doctors make both about the infection, prevention and control risks in a given aged care setting, and also the clinical circumstances of that patient.

Meanwhile Mr Morrison was also quoted in The Guardian:

“One of the key things being done in the aged care sector currently is transferring people who have contracted Covid into hospital facilities and we are making use of the private hospital as agreement that we put in place some months ago to free up beds in the private hospital area so we can transfer people out of those facilities into those beds, and we are working closely with the Victorian state government about that process.

I was in contact earlier today with the premier on those issues”.

No doubt the best intentions with both the premier and the prime Minister are in play. Mr Morrison went on to say:

“…obviously in aged-care facilities you are dealing with the most vulnerable members of our community and that is where you see the most awful of the consequences of the Covid-19 pandemic. That is where the loss of life, in particular occurs, far more significantly than any other part of the community.

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