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Department of Health reminds aged care staff to stay home when ill – and providers to praise staff

Asymptomatic cases aside, the Government has warned aged care staff to “take care of yourself to take care of others” in its latest newsletter – a clear reference to the Anglicare case.

“If you become unwell, even mildly unwell, it is important that you stay at home and not go to work. You should notify your employer immediately,” it states.

The Department adds that direct care staff will need to be tested for coronavirus at a dedicated testing facility if any of the following apply:

  • they have a fever (≥38°C) or history of fever (for example, night sweats, chills)
  • they have symptoms of an acute respiratory infection (for example, cough, shortness of breath, sore throat)
  • they have been overseas
  • they have had close contact with a confirmed case

Staff are also reminded to isolate at home until they receive their test results and keep their employers updated on their health status.

“If you are concerned about your pay while you are not at work, talk to your employer about what might be available for you.”

The Department also has a message for operators: to remind staff of how grateful the community is for the care and support they provide to residents and clients.

“They are highly valued and the skills, knowledge and compassion they bring is so important, particularly during this unprecedented time,” they state.

We are certain providers are already doing so.

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