Topic - editorial
Fair Work Commission finds Foodora rider was employee, not independent contractor – implications for Peer 2 Peer aged care workers

Labor senator Murray Watt, who chaired this year’s Future of Work inquiry, says the ruling could reshape the gig economy.

“People often think about the Ubers, Foodoras and Deliveroos, but we are seeing this gig work spread to aged care, childcare and disability care,” he said.

The commissioner Ian Cambridge found Foodora used a “batching system” to rank workers, allowing them to work at better times based on performance.

Experts now says Foodora’s competitors such as Uber Eats and Deliveroo will now have to revisit the control they have over workers, including star-rating systems that can see workers dropped if they get a poor rating.

What could be the knock-on effects for aged care and home care providers hiring employees as independent contractors?

Operators like Five Good Friends and Mable (rebranded Better Caring) say they are not in this group but is this the case?

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