Topic - editorial
Fire destroys large recreational building in Cranbourne’s Blue Hills village

Fire crews were called to the Blue Hills village in Cranbourne East, 45km southeast of the CBD, last Wednesday to tackle the blaze which started in the roof of their ‘cross-generational centre’ that housed the children’s aquatics centre and Men’s Shed.

No residents were at risk.

CEO Jodie Mitchell tells us the building was completely destroyed, which has hit the children’s swimming training and ‘the men’ have lost all the projects they were building.

She has other pools across her to adjacent villages to transfer the kids.

However the insurance assessors have indicated the cause was possibly a ball bearing in a concealed unit within the dehumidifier in the ceiling of the aquatics centre. She has two other buildings with dehumidifiers.

Jodie also points out they have a monthly maintenance program – a fact no doubt that will assist their insurance claim.

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