Topic - developments
First stages at debut private co-located The Shoreline Coffs Harbour now 80% sold out

The Shoreline at Coffs Harbour, a luxury vertical retirement village and aged care home under development in northern NSW, has sold 80% of its first stages.

The Shoreline is the Bachrach Naumburger Group’s first move into retirement living and aged care. The $150 million co-located development has 185 independent living units and 120 aged care beds planned; its first two stages comprise 74 units as well as the aged care centre.

“This is a remarkable result and demonstrates the popularity of the great location and the resort style accommodation and facilities,” the operator said on Facebook.

caffolding began to come down from its Saltwater Apartments building in February, with completion expected later this year. Bachrach Naumburger is continuing to bring on staff, appointing a Wellbeing Services Manager, Belinda Kennedy, as well as a Customer Relations Consultant, Kerrie Field (both pictured).

“Our staff ensure that your life is the centre of everything we do.  We have more one on one time for you in your personal home-like luxury environment. 

“We support you and your community with family, cultural and volunteer programs.  We also cater to the needs of residents living with dementia,” the operator said.

Brett Kelly, formerly of NVC Group, was appointed General Manager last March, and Owen Lednor, also ex-NVC Group, as Director of Care in October.

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