Topic - aged care
Five predictions for the retirement village sector

At our LEADERS SUMMIT I presented a 40-minute paper on five predictions for the retirement village sector over the next five years. In summary they are:

  1. Villages face the risk of irrelevance: early baby boomers will stay in their own homes or downsize to ‘care concierge’ NORC apartments with no DMF.
  2. Private aged care will be the dominant village model, backed by ‘big data’
  3. We will have figured out how to recycle old villages – halting declining penetration – 45,000 units will become available (ie villages 30+ years old)
  4. MHE/LLCs will be bigger than the village sector
  5. Few new village entrants and no ‘Young Guns’ investing in the sector

You can view the 40 minute video presentation, if you wish, below.

Over 90% of attendees rated this content as ‘Good to Excellent’.


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