Topic - developments
Flying in for the LEADERS SUMMIT? Meet old and new friends at the pre SUMMIT informal dinner Wednesday night. Plus book accommodation now

Over 100 interstate delegates are currently booked for the LEADERS SUMMIT. If you are one, you might like to meet others informally over dinner on the Wednesday night from 7 PM. We have reserved space at Palace Chinese Restaurant, Level 1, Piccadilly Tower, 145 Castlereagh Street Sydney (Tel: 02 9283 6288).

It is located directly behind the Sheraton. If you would like us to reserve a seat for you please email with an indication of the time you would expect to arrive. (You can also attend without a booking).

Please be aware that all $295 conference hotel rooms at the Sheraton have been sold. The rate is now approximately $500 and the numbers tight. There are still reasonably priced rooms close by you are advised to book soon.

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