The shift
How do you measure in the Quality Vs Quantity stakes for sales enquiry? Check these stats

Marketing retirement living is all about the quality of the lead you deliver salespeople.

A sale only occurs after the prospective customer (and their family) ‘walk down the drive’ and meets the salesperson.

They want quality leads (of course). Salespeople don’t want tyre kickers. They don’t want phone calls and phone messages from random enquirers.

Do people who stumble across a retirement village ad on Facebook when they are looking at cat photos really spring into thinking about selling the house and downsizing? Obviously no.

As marketers, we have to look at the hard numbers.

Aveo presented the above chart as part of their investor presentation last week. This is what it tells us (and you can compare your experience).

They need to sell approximately 1,150 retirement village units a year. That is 22 each week.

To achieve that they need to book 175 appointments which delivers them 135 people walking down the drive.

This is the appointment/sales ratio:

Booked appointments                   100

People seen                                       77

Sales closed                                        29

This is nothing new. The historic retirement village sales ratio is one in three people who walked down the drive will buy.

The trick is to get them to walk down the drive.

This comes back to quality.

Each day on we have between 2,500 and 4,000 people searching for retirement villages as an option for their accommodation. They are not looking at cats or buying soap. Just retirement/downsizing.

That’s 15,384 per week. Aveo, who list every one of their villages with us as promotional listings, need 175 of those people to make an appointment with them.

How many leads do you generate each week and what is the quality?


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