The shift
Making potential customers ‘think’ is hard.

Check out this ‘butcher paper’ solution – called ‘crowd-sourced experiments’.

We should all focus on our future but we don’t. It’s effort. So how do we market positive outcomes in retirement and aged care – or anything else actually.

Check out what Prudential Finances, an American insurance and investment company, is doing.

They call it ‘crowd-sourced experiments’.

First is their Blue Sticker experiment which encouraged people to post a sticker on a wall near the mark of the oldest person they know. The result – a huge concentration of stickers around the 100-year mark. Making people realise that they can expect to live several decades into retirement, which will require significant savings.

Their second experiment, Bring Your Challenges, asked people to identify important events that happened in their past and something that may happen in the future.

The good things were put on yellow magnets and the bad on blue and stuck on two large walls.

The past was about 50/50 yellow and blue but the future was 90% yellow – demonstrating that we are biased towards optimism and this bias has power on retirement planning and what customers desire (the emotional triggers).

We can use their principals with, say a group of residents of retirement villages, easily and cheaply by using simple butcher paper, like a training session.

It's conversations with our customers.


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