Topic - developments
Mbark wins approval for 125-bed retirement village at Federal Golf Club in Canberra

Mbark founders John Leo, James Robinson and Adam Somerville have seen their project with Federal Golf Club in Red Hill, Canberra, ACT, approved.

Mbark is a multiple winner of awards for their villages The Arbour in Berry, about 138km south of Sydney CBD, and Wivenhoe in Camden, 65km south-west of Sydney CBD.

The ACT Government has agreed to a final integrated plan for the Red Hill Nature Reserve and surrounding areas, which will see Mbark’s retirement village built on the southern end of the 18-hole golf course and the reserve expanded.

The golf club said Mbark’s 125-bed retirement village is vital to ensure its viability.

Access to the retirement village will be via Kitchener Street, access to the golf club will still be from Gowrie Drive. The Government said there will not be a public access road between the retirement village and the golf club.

Minister for Planning and Land Management Mick Gentleman said the Integrated Plan was a result of extensive planning work and collaboration with the community.

The low impact retirement village would require traffic upgrades and ecological protections and be assessed by the independent planning and land authority, said Mr Gentleman.

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