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Medibank and ahm launches new COVID-19 health program to support its 3.7 million customers – hospital in the home, remote health monitoring and medicine and meal deliveries

The COVID-19 Health Assist program will provide customised health and wellbeing support to all of the private health insurer’s customers with priority given to people aged over 70, those living with chronic health conditions or who have recently been to hospital, as well as customers diagnosed or recovering from COVID-19.

Staff from Medibank will be contacting more vulnerable customers to offer a review of their physical, mental and social needs. These teams will then customise an individual support package for the customer with clinical services that could include hospital in the home services, medication advice and home support.

Medibank also says for customers diagnosed with COVID-19 with moderate symptoms, they can provide remote monitoring and surveillance of clinical indicators such as temperature, pulse rate, respiration and blood pressure.

Customers recovering from COVID-19 will also have access to home-based respiratory rehabilitation if required, plus the delivery of meals, groceries and medications, access to 24/7 Nurse and Mental Health Support lines and scheduled check-ins.

Interestingly, the insurer says it is also “in discussions with other public and private payors, funders and providers about offering key elements of this program to more Australians”.

A challenge or opportunity then to village and LLC operators and their traditional services?

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