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New expanded services from Foxtel – complete info & entertainment system made easy

Foxtel has significantly upgraded its aged care offering, delivering unimagined on-screen communication tools and entertainment with Business iQ.

Foxtel is a premium brand to offer your residents an internationally proven care home business solution that delivers significantly improved operator efficiencies.

From easily uploaded events and activities, to daily menus to sensory channels, Foxtel Business iQ exceeds expectation.

Low-cost investment / high return

One of the key take outs of the Aged Care Royal Commission is that the industry needs to move more towards customer-centricity – putting the residents at the heart of everything.

But there can be a misconception that by doing so will create more processes, more work and require more money. Not so.

Foxtel have redeveloped their technology to offer more than just content. The Foxtel Business iQ now includes a range of features that can help improve processes in aged care residences and create efficiencies in cost and time.

Customise to promote your schedules and activities

The Business iQ provides aged care facilities with the ability to customise the platform to improve communicating with residents.

For example, staff can upload daily schedules and activities to the TV so residents will never miss their favourite activity. In many homes, the food menus are printed and distributed to the residents every day but with the Business iQ, these can be added into the information section on the TV, saving money and time.

The Business iQ allows staff to send messages directly to the TV screen of a resident or a group of residents.

It can remind all residents that specific activities are about to start or to remind individual residents of an upcoming appointment they have. It could even be used to wish them a happy birthday!

Foxtel's Business iQ could be set up in common areas as a dedicated screen for digital signage and used to promote upcoming events like a Classic Movies night or that children from the local school are coming to visit.

It could also be used for more functional purposes, such as to inform residents that fire alarm tests will be conducted, or the local doctor will be visiting.

Provide residents big entertainment options

With Foxtel’s entertainment package, your residents will also have access to 90 channels of quality entertainment as well as an extensive library of programming that they can access whenever they want – great for those night owls or early risers who may be stuck for something to watch out of prime-time hours!

With the Business iQ, you can also add up to 10 external channels to the programming mix that will all be accessible from the on-screen TV guide.

This could be used to add sensory channels that are beneficial to residents suffering from dementia or audio channels such as Silver Memories playing music from the 1940s-70s.

You could also add yoga, meditation or other wellbeing channels to help promote healthy lifestyles amongst the residents.

Foxtel’s product offering has evolved to bring residents more than just content; the Business iQ is a platform that can help to improve their experience and would be a highly valued addition to your daily operations.

Learn more about the Foxtel Business iQ system, or contact Tom Enright, Foxtel’s National Health Manager, on (02) 9813 6769.

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