Topic - aged care
New long lasting 15 week surface disinfectant: TGA verifies Allied BioScience’s SurfaceWise2™

A hospital grade disinfectant, which has been used on public transport and in healthcare facilities in a three-month pilot scheme to prevent COVID-19, has been verified by Australia’s Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA).

Allied BioScience, which has its headquarters in Plano, North Texas, has created SurfaceWise2™ that doesn’t wipe off even with regular cleaning and reduces germs by up to 98.5% over 15 weeks.

The TGA has listed SurfaceWise2™, which forms an always-on protective coating that makes surfaces hostile to germs, as a hospital-grade disinfectant effective against germs, bacteria and COVID-19.

Allied BioServices is the exclusive distributor in Australia, based in Sydney.

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