Topic - aged care
NSW: Warrigal pilots new person-centred model at Shell Cove home

Australian Ageing Agenda has reviewed the new ‘Warrigal Way’ model introduced by the Illawarra-based Not For Profit at its 128-bed flagship facility in Shellharbour.

“We have a whole lot of new terms for things, instead of resident we call them customers, instead of carers we call them companions instead of having a nurse’s station, staff decided to call it ‘The Dock’ because we’re near a marina,” Warrigal executive leader in strategy and innovation Leanne Taylor said.

“Even resident rooms, they’re called customer suites.”

The building has been designed to better connect residents to the local area, with the on-site café and bistro open to the wider community.

Residents also have access to a mobile app, where family members can log in and see what their relative has been doing during the day.

In addition, a two-way voice nurse call system named iCall has been installed in rooms so residents can call for assistance when required.

Yet another example of providers being innovative in the face of ongoing government reform and changing consumer demands.

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