Other points of interest from the forum

Ben Myers, Retirement Living Council Executive Director, reported that the 8 Point Plan has generated 44 action points and over 50 separate ‘measures’ which the RLC is working through and close to completion.

Engaging the Law Society in each state to create retirement village contract training has achieved little interest so the RLC is developing its own training program and will be trialling it in Brisbane.

RLC members have also been seeking new training modules for managers and sales staff around ‘understanding the customer’. These will be launched in the next few months.

The new accreditation program will be ready by the end of the year.

Kylie Newcombe, Associate Director Market Research at Urbis, pointed to the Brisbane Council initiative where they appoint a dedicated account manager for each retirement village development.

This was one outcome of the industry task force that Brisbane executed. NSW needs to be following this initiative.

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