Topic - aged care
QLD Govt establishes its own 12-month inquiry into aged care and palliative care

Following through on its promise to investigate the sector after the state’s vote on decriminalising abortion, the inquiry will be conducted by the Health, Communities, Disability Services and Domestic and Family Violence Prevention Committee and look at:

  1. The delivery of aged care, end-of-life and palliative care in Queensland across the health and ageing service systems; and
  2. Community and health practitioners’ views on the desirability of supporting voluntary assisted dying, including provisions for it being legislated in Queensland and any necessary safeguards to protect vulnerable persons.

The committee’s report is due by 30 November 2019.

The inquiry’s terms of reference ask the committee to “proactively work” with the Federal Government’s Royal Commission into the Quality and Safety of Aged Care – we suspect they will be covering a lot of the same ground.

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