Retirement living to be part of Brisbane development planned by QLD Govt

Economic Development Queensland (EDQ) has filed an application for the first stage of a development to transform the former Queensland University of Technology (QUT) at Carseldine, 15km north of the Brisbane CBD, into a residential, shopping and sport precinct.

Stage one of the Carseldine Urban Village includes the subdivision of three master lots which will see around 50 homes built and a retirement living site that could house up to 150 townhouses and apartments for different levels of mobility.

The site is part a prime 45-hectare parcel of state land that is being revitalised under the Government’s recently released Advancing Our Cities and Regions Strategy that will eventually have around 900 homes, a government office precinct, a 3.6-hectare sport and recreation precinct, a 100-place childcare centre and commercial and retail space.

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