Topic - housing news
Retirement village new enquiry breaks record at 123,000 in March

A historically strong month for new sales enquiry, this March sees the first time that results have surpassed 2017, before the disastrous Four Corners retirement village program.

Compared to last March when COVID hit, enquiry is up 38%.

Overall conversions, the number of people that made a phone call, an email enquiry or web link click increased from 17,068 in February to 17,348 in March which is a 2% increase and, YoY, delivered 30% growth.

To put this in perspective, 17,348 real people took an action towards possible retirement living but just 1,920 retirement village homes and 833 land lease homes were available to buy – a total of 2,753.

Demand does exceed supply, and all operators should be enjoying strong sales.

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