The Village & Care Leaders Summit - Sydney

The RVA has taken the initiative to launch the inaugural Australasian Leaders’ Summit, a two day intensive workshop on where the village and care sectors are heading and what are the opportunities and threats ahead.

To be staged in February, the Leaders Summit is timed to allow senior executives to take time out and review, question and challenge business models for the financial year ahead.

"At Lend Lease Primelife we recognise the importance of strategic gatherings of decision makers from both sides of the fence - operators and our service providers. We see the Leaders’ Summit as an exceptional initiative at the right time".

Rod Fehring, CEO lend Lease Primelife

Recognising that it is vital for the RVA to both lead innovation as well as generate new revenue streams, The Leaders’ Summit guarantees to be different to all other conferences. It has the exclusive backing of the senior executives plus their participation as speakers – delivering the frank open book business reviews the sector is famous for.

The Leaders Summit will be staged by Villages Publishing and the Dealers Group; the RVA has also negotiated the profits of the Summit will be returned to the sector to further extend advocacy, marketing and accreditation.

Additionally the fee is fairly priced at 47% lower to other conferences.

For more information see the announcement attached.

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