Topic - aged care
Village and aged care operators: ‘compliance’ is the new mantra, so cut four hours of compliance research down to 10 minutes

Compliance is a ‘hot topic’ across the sector, with NSW Fair Trading sending letters to village operators requesting information, the number of aged care compliance reviews taking place and home care raising further compliance issues.

The perfect example – the Archdiocese of Brisbane provides services in aged care, disability support, relationship services and pastoral services and has around 800 staff across 98 parishes and another 14,000 indirect staff through its agencies.

They recently worked with LexisNexis to develop a research database of legal and regulatory requirements combined with alerts and updates. This has allowed the organisation to keep track of all its obligations in one place – turning four hours of research into as little as 10 minutes.

Find out more by downloading a copy of their testimonial here.

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