What are the skill sets that a manager brings to the job?

Few managers reflect on the scope of their role, the value they bring or
the risks they carry for their employer.
The manager has to be an all rounder plus competent in areas such as
facilities and asset management, financial and budget management, OH&S,
HR and people management, marketing and sales.
As Dan Sawyer points out: “a manager has to have a lot of ticks in a lot of
boxes”. He goes on: “They also need diplomacy, tact and negotiation skills
to just work with the residents committee. Identification of fraud is a skill
they need too; for instance they have large properties with employees and
contractors coming and going. They are responsible for all the transactions”.
He says former policemen make very good village managers as they bring
a lot of these skills. They are alert to risk, can judge situations and avert a
crisis. He knows of four that have taken manager positions recently.
Dan also highlights that managers work under the pressure of being on
call. Leave is a pressure point; residents don’t like change and a manager
being away. This places stress on managers.
Then there is risk. Mark Marjoribanks of Sanctuary Life and an indirect
tax expert points out for instance that there is no other industry that carries
the same level of complexity and tax risks when it comes to GST and yet it is
left to the manager in most cases to oversee the non residential GST claims.
Errors he says will lead to ATO audits, tax penalties and the directors being
held responsible.
In summarising, Dan Sawyer points out that if a manager is asked to be
responsible for a $25 million asset plus the business risk and personal welfare
of 50+ elderly people, they should be well compensated. If they can exceed
performance targets they should also receive commensurate bonuses. So,
how much are you worth?

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