Topic - developments
YMCA Victoria launches its first retirement village in Geelong

As we reported last April, Lincoln on the Bellarine will feature 174 two- and three-bedroom homes at Armstrong Creek , 85km from Melbourne.

YMCA Victoria’s Pete Gillies said their purpose is to “reinvent retirement as the start of living.”

“This is a new chapter for YMCA Victoria, complementing our ‘whole of life’ offering for the Victorian community, as we embark on a journey to develop dedicated lifestyle options for seniors within our communities.”

YMCA worked closely with ClarkeHopkinsClarke Architects to develop a ‘symbiotic’ design between residents, staff and the community.

“We’re building a new brand of senior living in the form of walkable urban villages,” ClarkeHopkinsClarke principal Wayne Stephens said.

Watch this space then.

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