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“Sharpening the focus”: New Aged Care Quality and Safety Commissioner warns providers against inappropriate physical and chemical restraint

1 min read

In light of the recent media coverage on restraints, new Commissioner Janet Anderson has released a press release reminding the community and providers that operators can expect to be specifically asked about their restrictive practices during visits.

“They should be able to point to genuine and sustained efforts to use alternative strategies, and also have in place an effective oversight system for any form of restraint in use for any resident.”

“My assessment teams are looking for evidence such as the presence of informed consent from the consumer or a properly authorised person. We want to see that the service is applying best practice in matters such as effective clinical governance, regular review by health professionals, pharmacists, and communication with the general practitioner or geriatrician, and that records are kept of the outcome of these reviews.”

Ms Anderson says she has also asked the Commission’s interim Chief Clinical Advisor to identify information that can help providers to focus on the actions needed to improve their practices.

However, the message is clear. “Significant sanctions can be applied by the Department of Health where a service fails to address areas of non-compliance,” Ms Anderson adds.

Point taken.

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