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ABC now canvassing for stories of sexual abuse in aged care

1 min read

Anne Connolly, the lead reporter on the national broadcaster’s investigation into aged care, has issued a call to readers to submit their stories on sexual abuse in aged care. She cites figures that around 400 residents have reported being sexually abuse by staff every year for the past five years.

“But according to Power Project expert Dr Catherine Barrett the figure is probably much higher because some nursing homes ignore their requirement to report sex abuse allegations to the Department of Health,” she writes.

“Also, the official figures don’t include sexual abuse by other residents which nursing homes do not need to report to any authority.”

“If you know something more about this subject or have had a personal experience, I would like to talk to you. Please contact me on aged.care@abc.net.au.”

Sexual abuse in aged care is a serious issue for residents, families and staff and one that deserves sensitive and careful reporting.

But we question if the ABC’s continued investigation is moving too far away from their charter and more into the realm of sensationalism?

But it wins ratings. The first part of the Four Corners aged care investigation attracted 755,000 metro viewers, boosting its regular audience by 299,000 compared to the previous week – and making it the most watched program in its time slot.

Earlier this year, the Government froze the ABC’s annual funding indexation for three years from July 2019, costing it $84 million.

Do they need higher ratings to prove their ongoing relevance? We know that bad news sells.

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