Topic - aged care
Coronavirus causes Royal Commission to cut off public access to hearings and workshops

The Royal Commission says it has taken the precautionary step of banning the public from attending its hearings and workshops until further notice due to the risk from the virus.

“The Royal Commissioners want to ensure robust measures are in place to protect the public, particularly frail older people, who may be at risk of contracting the virus at public events like hearings,” the media release states.

Almost all the members of the public at hearings and workshops have been aged 70-plus – suggesting the move is a wise one on the part of the Commissioners.

The Disability Royal Commission has also pulled the plug on its community forums and information sessions, citing the same concerns.

Importantly for providers, the measures will ensure the Royal Commission remains on track to hand in its Final Report in November.

Media will still be able to attend the hearings and workshops so I will continue to be reporting from on the ground.

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