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Research shows the elderly and overweight are the biggest super spreaders of COVID-19

1 min read

A study from the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences in the US found the older and more overweight a person was, the more likely they were to spread COVID-19 because they exhale more often.

The study observed 18% of the 194 test subjects made up 80% of ‘exhaled aerosol’ particles while breathing out.

After evaluating the relationship between exhaled aerosol particles with age, sex and body mass index, researchers only found a correlation between BMI and age with the output of breath.

Essentially the older and more overweight a person was the more likely they were to spread aerosol droplets into the air and by extension possibly spread a virus.

Subjects who were aged 26 or under were observed to be low spreaders of exhaled droplets.

Studies have shown only a small percentage of those infected manage to spread COVID-19 to many people and the belief is super spreaders are responsible for large outbreaks, instead of everyone with the virus.

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