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Special LEADERS SUMMIT announcement – join Andrew Denton’s conversation with the village and care sector on Voluntary Assisted Dying

1 min read

We are proud to announce that the renowned communicator, Andrew Denton, has agreed to participate in the LEADERS SUMMIT.

Andrew will have join us for a conversation with you, the delegates, on Voluntary Assisted Dying and the role you and we as the village and care sector can play to encourage discussion.

We are in a unique position. Not only are our residents at that stage in life where their passing is a looming reality, but our staff travel with our residents and families, with deep friendships and relationships formed. They too are invested.

This conversation with Andrew Denton will be a unique experience and a unique opportunity for the sector to facilitate real discussion with our residents and their families – and our collective staff.

Please join us in two weeks’ time in Sydney for a conversation with Andrew Denton, 16 & 17 March, at the LEADERS SUMMIT.

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