Topic - developments
Massive land set for reclassification on NSW Central Coast

Financial challenges has led Central Coast Council’s interim administrator Dick Persson (pictured above) to put a plan out for public opinion which proposes the reclassification of large parcels of Council-owned land.

The sites earmarked to be sold off include Taylor Park Bowling Club at The Entrance, the Duffys Oval complex at Terrigal and Wyong Youth and Community Hall. Mr Persson agreed to take the site of the 70-year-old Terrigal Bowling Club off the reclassification list.

“There is still a need for council to raise funds through the sale of surplus or ‘lazy’ assets if we are to pay down the huge debts run up by the suspended councillors,” Mr Persson said.

“Now that the Minister has confirmed the Councillors will not be returning on Friday there is a chance to consult in a less politicised environment. I regret my handling of the matter has caused widespread concern.

“This is not a ‘fire sale’ as some are claiming. Any properties sold will be at market price or better, and the market is very strong at the moment,” said Mr Persson.

The Salvation Army, who leases the site at 15-23 Hely St, have stated they are willing to buy the land from the council.

Mr Persson has given the public three weeks to have their say before making a final decision.

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