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Want 80% conversion rates? Create videos at $800 a pop

1 min read

We all know users become “blind” to advertising and deterred by lengthy copy which is why video has become a crucial component of any marketing strategy. Think an 80% increase in conversion /participation rates.

At DoComeMonday, we have recently been creating animated explainer videos for our websites using an offshore freelancer based in Pakistan. We’re exceptionally happy with the results – and the cost at less than $800.

They say 65% of consumers are 'visual learners’. Videos provide easily and quickly digestible content that users can just sit back and watch while you show them what they need to know.

The above video is one of the 5 animated explainer videos we recently created for INS Lifeguard Monitoring Systems. It’s a good example of the style and quality that can be achieved.

Creating videos also gives you material to upload on Youtube – the second largest search engine after Google! Crazy.