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Additional $16.6M for 357 temporary short-term care places to relieve bed blocking

1 min read

To help older Australians move from hospital into their homes or residential aged care more quickly, the Federal Government is providing $16.6 million for an extra 357 temporary Transition Care Programme places.

Hospitals have been experiencing bed shortages due to COVID-19 restrictions and there have been bottlenecks caused by bed blockers, someone who is unable to leave hospital and return to their own home or enter an aged care home, even though they do not need medical treatment or care.

“The Transition Care Programme provides up to 12 weeks of short-term post-hospital restorative care for senior Australians, providing services such as allied health and nursing support to enable people to return to their own homes or an aged care home, or a mix of both, rather than having to remain in hospital,” Mr Colbeck said.

The Northern Territory, which has experienced a severe bed blocking issue, will also receive 10 new permanent Transition Care places with an annual investment of more than $780,000 from the Australian Government, to support more than 40 additional senior Territorians each year.

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