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AOR/villages.com.au National Village Resident Survey 2018 delivers 19,477 completions – plus big satisfaction numbers

1 min read

The most important market research survey ever conducted for the retirement village sector has just been completed. An unprecedented 19,477 residents gave their voice on what they like about retirement villages, plus areas where work is required.

If you are concerned about weekly sales of retirement units you must learn from the telling lessons that the survey delivers.

All up, just 6% of residents were ‘not satisfied’ with their overall village experience. This result is in line with the 2013 McCrindle Baynes Village Survey. (And also less than the residents in my apartment building).

But with the 47 questions being developed with input from prominent retirement village resident association leaders, areas of improvement were identified.

Every marketer, salesperson, CFO, CEO, regulator and banker needs to understand the strengths and weaknesses of the retirement village offering.

Completed just two weeks ago, the full survey will be dissected by Australian Online Research CEO Brian Fine and Research Director Monica Gessner at our LEADERS SUMMIT, Thursday 15 and Friday 16 March at the Hilton Sydney.

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