70% deposited while in construction at Michael Eggington’s Merewether Residences by ThirdAge Villages

With construction of the $120 million seniors’ living village in Newcastle’s Merewether Golf Club underway, demand has seen 70% of homes deposited.

The project is the first in the retirement village sector by Sydney developer Third.I, who teamed up  with ex Lendlease Retirement CEO and Stockland lead executive, Michael Eggington in 2018.

All apartments in the Marchese Partners | Life3A-designed Merewether Apartments will have a view of the golf course view.

”We also have a wait list for particular apartments that have a deposit already taken on them,” said a spokeswoman.

The development will secure the financial future of the golf club.

Eggington is largely based in London now with a partnership with architect Eugene Marchese (pictured), developing their Guild Living retirement village portfolio.

The SOURCE: Seasoned retirement living executives are capitalising on the demand from baby Boomers for superior housing options.

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