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Do you need Ansell Strategic’s free quarterly Board members and CEOs pack to stay ahead of compliance demands?

1 min read

Compliance demands have caught many aged care operators’ board members and CEOs off guard.

New rules are coming this year at a pace that is hard to keep up with.

Ansell Strategic, an independent aged care consultancy, now issues a free quarterly Board Pack, which details exactly what is coming in the sector and what your obligations are.

“The legislation itself is not the most critical change,” said Ansell Strategic Managing Director Cam Ansell. “What is required is a change in our attitude and focus as Directors and Executives.”

2,100 regulatory visits in 2021-2022

The universal measure of care quality in Australia is the Aged Care Quality Standards.

As the country recovers from the Omicron variant, this will become a focus for the Government, as regulators are freed to undertake their unprecedented 2,100 visits during 2021-2022.

For Board Members keeping up-to-date and understanding the policy direction and associated systems is one of our most important responsibilities.

Look into the business, not around it

“This needs to move from a philosophical understanding of care services to a practical one. Over the coming years of sector changes, Ansell Strategic will be releasing quarterly Board Packs and sector updates to support Board Members and Executives with this task,” said Ansell Strategic's Managing Director Cam Ansell (pictured speaking at the LEADERS SUMMIT 2019).

“We must change our focus from looking around the business, to looking into it. As Directors, many of us have felt ill-equipped to provide sound Governance input into the daunting and complex clinical nature of our core business. This change does not mean we must all become clinicians - it simply means that we must understand how we execute on our primary function – safe quality care - and how we monitor its successful delivery.”

Obtain a complimentary copy of the board pack by clicking here.

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