Topic - aged care
$1.7M training centre for aged care workers at Charles Darwin University, NT

The Northern Territory Government and Charles Darwin University (CDU) are spending $1.7 million to improve the skills of aged care workers with the construction of a new Training Centre for Aged Care at CDU’s campus in Casuarina, 14km north of the Darwin CBD.

There are 1,500 aged care workers in the Northern Territory, the majority are female. Skill shortages are exacerbated by staff turnover of 30 to 40 % and the population is ageing, said CDU in a statement.

“We recognise there is a growing need to train new aged care workers and provide ongoing training to the existing workforce, which is why we are contributing $1.7 million to strengthen aged care workforce skills in the Territory,” said NT’s Jobs and Training Minister Paul Kirby.

“Training in aged care can unlock a very rewarding career path and with the Territory and Australia’s population getting older, aged care is one of the few industries where job security and new opportunities are almost guaranteed for decades to come.”

The training centre will house 24 students with room for four aged care beds and equipment that will mimic an aged care facility to aid student learning. It will also feature a pan room, kitchen and general-purpose teaching area as well as showers designed for people with disabilities.

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