Topic - aged care
Australian-first: SA Govt passes landmark legislation for Adult Safeguarding Unit

The Office for the Ageing (Adult Safeguarding) Amendment Bill 2018 is designed to make it easier for the community to report suspected or actual cases of neglect or abuse, and is a direct response to issues identified in the Oakden Older Persons Mental Health Service according to Minister for Health and Wellbeing Stephen Wade.

The 2017 Senate Inquiry into the now-closed facility heard that people who raised concerns about the treatment of residents were “intimidated and bullied” by staff.

The unit, which will start in 2019, will also have the power to investigate issues and request information from government and non-government organisations.

Interestingly, the bill will see SA’s Office for the Ageing change its name to the Office for Ageing Well.

Looking to the future or just trying to distance itself from the past?

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