Topic - aged care
Bad food and no one to talk to: first feedback from aged care Consumer Experience Reports

Good news we think but with a touch of sadness. As we covered here, the Australian Aged Care Quality Agency (AACQA) introduced the Reports from July last year as part of its reaccreditation audits with aged care homes.

Now the first 12 months of feedback has been released from over 15,000 interviews with residents in more than 1,100 homes (at least 10% of residents) – and it makes for interesting reading.

97.78% of respondents felt staff treated them with respect either most of the time or all of the time, while more than 98.31% said they felt safe in the service most or all of the time – good news.

However, 16.03% said they only liked the food “some of the time” or “none of the time”. 3.25% also disagreed or strongly disagreed that if they felt sad or worried, there was someone at the facility they could talk to – 15.63% were neutral on the same statement.

Balancing the fact that RAC residents are high-care, approaching end of life, with all the physical and emotional issues, this reports is, we believe, reassuring.

However, issues that will certainly come up again in the Royal Commission.

You can download the full report HERE.

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