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Melbourne aged care technology group hayylo attracts investment from two backers – 50,000 users expected to double this year

1 min read

Greg Satur and Simon Heaysman’s startup has become the first aged care tech company to attract investment under a new aged care specific fund created by the Brisbane-based investment firm Sprint, which specialises in automation & AI, Medtech and FinTech investment.

hayylo has doubled in size to 50,000 users in the last 12 months, securing contracts with 10 operators including NovaCare, Goodwin Aged Care, integratedliving Australia, Churches of Christ Queensland and Lifecare for its customer service and experience platform.

Simon says with these numbers rapidly increasing as operators look to keep residents connected to families during the COVID-19 pandemic and create communication plans in the event of outbreaks, they expect these numbers to again double in the next six to 12 months.

Simon tells us they have also attracted funding from the Melbourne-based Agnes Investments, another aged care tech investment platform set up by Chris Gray, who was Managing Director of leading aged care software vendor iCare Health.

iCare was bought out by Telstra in 2014, with Gray going on to head the aged care team at their successful Telstra Health spin-off before branching out with Agnes.

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