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Village search traffic jumps 67% in 12 months. Village videos and SEO investment rewarded

1 min read

9,355 searches for a retirement village occurred over one week from May 20, 2013 on our website villages.com.au. 12 months later for exactly the same seven days the number of searches for retirement village has grown to 15,607. That is 67% growth and 50% more traffic than any other retirement village web directory.
Annualised this equates to 811,564 searches over 12 months. 32% of these people are returnees, being people who have come back to the site within 30 days renewing their searches. They obviously both enjoyed the experience and perceived value from the site.
What have we done over the 12 months to increase its traffic? First up we have introduced individual vacancy listings which have revolutionised sales enquiry for village operators who have taken up the service (which incidentally is basically free). Click HERE to see an example of a vacancy listing within a village.
In March last year we launched our video production service and since then have produced over 100 Village videos for clients across Australia, plus produced 51 educational videos of our own. Click HERE to see a village video. Click HERE to see an educational video.
Video, correctly constructed is a perfect village sales tool. Our village videois are being viewed by 20 people a month – a great result for the video that averages five minutes in length – and ticks all the key sales points.
And we We are constantly reinvesting in search engine optimisation (SEO) as well.
To have a promotional listing for your village is $800 for 12 months. With our exclusive vacancy listing program you can have the full $800 reimbursed to you over 12 months. Click HERE for more information.

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