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Villages.com.au Web site. Nearly 2 years old and No.1 by a country mile with 1786 villages listed but still relaunching in August -soon to include aged care facilities (see PDF attached)

1 min read

We are proud to announce as we approach our second birthday that we are taking
villages.com.au to another level in sophistication as our visitor traffic steadily moves from
predominantly the kids searching for a village for mum and dad (70% two years ago)
to potential residents now accounting for more than 50% of searches. In response to
thousands of requests we are also building in continuing care and aged care as a search
criteria. New Zealand will be added by the fourth quarter.
From the outset 23 months ago we were determined to list every village in Australia
because that’s what potential residents want - to know every village in the area they are
thinking of moving to. This week we did a count of the major websites with the following
Villages.com.au 1,786 villages listed
seniorshousingonline.com.au 629 villages listed
it’smytime.com.au 237 villages listed
seniorlivinonline.com.au* 229 villages listed
it’syourlife.com.au* 228 villages listed
* Note: ‘seniorlivingonline.com.au’ and ‘it’syourlife.com.au’ appear to basically have the
same listings transferred from one to the other as they are owned by the same operator.
The price of 12 months listing on villages.com.au remains at $520 for the first village and
$420 for each additional village. Included is a photo directory listing in four editions of
villages.com.au magazine, each with a print run of 50,000, covering your village for both
web and print in the one price. No other website provides a print component.
For more information e-mail us at info@villages.com.au.

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