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Solar panel rebate seminar wins commitment of 1,000+ ILUs

1 min read

Yesterday 33 people attended our one-day seminar in Sydney on the $9,000 solar panel rebate. By the end of the day village operators representing more than 1000 ILUs had asked for applications, with another 2500 ILUs expected to be committed within seven days.

Mark Marjoriebanks from Sanctuary Energy demonstrated that each village resident can secure a 1kW solar panel system that will reduce their power bill by 30 to 40% for $9,000 -- the value of the government rebates -- meaning there is no cost to the resident and the village receives $9,000 worth of capital infrastructure for no outlay will risk. This opportunity is only available until 30 June, when the government subsidy is reduced.

Interstate operators have requested workshops and they have been scheduled over the next 10 days in Brisbane Melbourne and Adelaide (Perth yet to be confirmed). If you have not registered your interest to attend please e-mail us at info@villages.com.au

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