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What are the options if not rewiring?

1 min read

Residents can ‘pull the plug’ on the central village aerial connection (the wall plate aerial)
and buy their own antenna to sit on top of the TV. They will also have to buy a set top
box. For $150 they will be operational but may not have the quality of signal that digital
promises (given the aerial is not on the roof).
Alternatively the village operator can invest in industrial grade set top boxes and locate
them at the antenna and do the reverse of a normal set top box, and convert the digital
signal to an analog signal, and then feed that to each ILU. You will need a set top box for
each free to air channel - there are 5 now but this will increase to 10+. The cost to the
village operator varies but use $5,000 as a guide. Be aware that the resident wont get the
benefits of digital TV such as the wide screen (meaning they will miss some the edges of
the vision), increased quality, split screens and on screen programming. The Government
strongly advises against this action (see the ‘Don’t list’ in the Corporate Body Guidelines).
With 21 months until the switch over, now is the time to review your requirements. We
trust this information will help make the transition both timely and easier.

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